KG List at the Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023
KG List and Österbymo Hardwood are represented in several events at the Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023.

Swedish Wood is arranging a number of different activities at the Stockholm Furniture Fair 2023. The focus is on creating conditions for a long-term sustainable furniture and interior design industry in Sweden. KG List will participate in several events to help boost dialogue and knowledge-sharing.
Panel discussion: Roadmap for a resource-efficient, bio-based furniture and interior design industry – 07/02 15:00 Stockholm Furniture Fair Talks, Victoria Hall
Together with the Swedish furniture and interior design industry, the trade organizations Swedish Wood, The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry (TMF) and Swedish Forest Industries have initiated a roadmap for long-term sustainable development. The roadmap works for resource efficiency, increased refinement and use of local bio-based materials. The goals are to achieve reduced climate footprint, in-depth knowledge, and development of products and business models that support circular flows.
Representatives from the industry will participate in the panel discussion:
David Johnsson, CEO, TMF
Viveka Beckeman, CEO, Swedish Forest Industries
Anna Ryberg Ågren, Director, Svenskt Trä
Linda Elmén, Sustainability manager, Stockholmsmässan
Tove Sventoft, CEO, SIBAB
Martin Johansson, CEO, STOLAB
Johan Ingvarsson, CEO, KG List
Robert Pettersson, CEO & President, Kinnarps
The moderator is Anki Frécon, Swedish Forest Industries. The panel discussion is held in English.
Read more on Stockholm Furniture Fair’s website.
Meet and greet with representatives from Swedish sawmills – 07/02 16:00 Victoria hall
In connection with the panel discussion about the Roadmap, Swedish Wood invites you to a gathering where furniture producers, interior architects, designers and other stakeholders can meet representatives from some of our Swedish sawmills. The meet and greet takes place right after the panel discussion. The purpose of the mingle is to get representatives from the whole value chain to meet. In this way, they can improve their dialogue, and mutually gain an increased understanding of each other’s needs to enable fruitful collaborations between Swedish sawmills and the Swedish furniture and interior design industry. Johan Ingvarsson, CEO of KG List and Österbymo Hardwood sawmill will be on-site and participate in the meet and greet.
Read more on Stockholm Furniture Fair’s website.
VERK 2023 – 07/02-11/02 Stand C07:26 Stockholm Furniture Fair
The furniture producer VERK will be part of this year’s Stockholm Furniture Fair. VERK will present its entire existing collection and in addition to it, a number of novelties. The furniture they are premiering is created by new-at-VERK designers Elsa Unnegård, Johan Skoogh, Per Nadén and Anya Sebton. KG List is a part of VERK‘s supply chain which is referenced to as part of their exhibition. Hop in their stand to experience the production chain of Swedish-made sustainable furniture, and say hello from us!